【日訳】バクーで人気の青空市場6選!Top 6 Baku Street Markets

WELCOME TO BAKU!! 限りなく青い空の下で煌めき、興味深い歴史と建築物が美しさを放つ、カスピ海沿いの国、バクー。そんな絵画のように魅力的な場所である一方で、バクーでは本格的な買い物も楽しむことができます。たくさんのストリートマーケットでは本物…

Short Story "SMOKE"

SMOKE My grandfather died nine years ago from lung cancer. I had just looked down at the coffin in front of a monochrome picture of my grandfather. The smoke of incense was floating. I left the funeral hall as if I had escaped from there. …

How To Beggar

How To Beggar Why are there no beggars in Japan? I often saw beggars on a street in England. That was not the first time, but I could not help paying attention to them because they sat on the same place everyday. Oneday, I proudly told my …


Introduction つれづれなるままに気が向けば書くブログです。 →English ver ★すきなもの ・美術・哲学・民俗学・世界史・デザイン・法学・政治学・TRPG ・映画・ジェンダー・自然・水・戦争・薬学・オカルト・犯罪学 ・心理学・宗教・精神医学・読書・天文学…